in- & outdoor living


How to achieve a more Serene lifestyle. First step out of five!

Finding balance…VIRVEL pendant lamp in perfect harmony. Styling and photo by Henriette Schou/ Victor Neumann

Finding balance…VIRVEL pendant lamp in perfect harmony.

Styling and photo by Henriette Schou/ Victor Neumann

Declutter your home

………has probably been one of the most Googled sentences in 2020. 

We spend more time at home, and we’re starting look at our homes with new eyes.  This together more focus on mental health and overconsumption has lead to a whole new way of looking at luxury. 

Luxury and status is not measured by a phsysical item anymore, the most powerful thing you can possess is a Serene mind, the feeling of an abundance of time and presence.

 There are hundreds of strategies online of how to declutter your home, but I think it’s more importnant to understand WHY.

Serene living is not a trend, it’s a future way of living, let’s face it, it doesn’t work the way we have been living until now. Embrace the change and start living a life less stressful, in harmony with ourselves and our planet.

Namaste :)

Declutter your life-WHY?

 Research shows that disorganisation and clutter have a cumulative effect on our brains. Our brains like order, and a constant visual reminder of disorganisation drain our cognative resources, reducing our ability to focus. The visual distraction of clutter increases cognitive overload and can reduce our working memory. 

 Declutter your life-HOW? from my point of view..

 1.     Take a few pictures of your home, analyse how these pictures reflects you and your idea of a clutter free space. Most blogs recommend you to start with the easiest thing first, but I believe it’s better to start with the most visual distrubing piece. For example,  the first impression, your hallway! It usually ends up being an area of chaos searching for your keys and credit cards before heading out. 

 2.     This leads to the next topic, A place for everything, everything in it’s space.

Stay tuned for more! and Good luck!

Photo of SUNDAYBED ÈTÈ by the Danish coastline…

Photo of SUNDAYBED ÈTÈ by the Danish coastline…

Bench BABY ÈTE, perfect for your hallway..

Bench BABY ÈTE, perfect for your hallway..